Telegram Premium is official and is already on the lips of experts and general users. The program costs 5.99 euros per month, but there is a small strategy to be able to save 24 euros per year without the extra features of the platform.
The latest news is now circulating on the network Telegram PremiumThat has been discussed (and has already been secretly announced in recent weeks) Subscription program Instant messaging app that unlocks access to additional features offered by the platform for contributions 99 5.99 per month. At least on the price list.
This news certainly affected the panorama The best application to send free messages And actually represents a strong element of difference in the case of the major transformation-ego of the app created by Pavel Durv, e.g. WhatsApp.
It must be said, for the sake of completeness and to avoid misunderstandings, that Telegram A free version will continue to be available to everyone Quite simply, in addition to the classic standard program, the platform has decided to add a second (and unpublished) paid version (which costs € 5.99 per month) dedicated to users who want to get the most out of the user experience. TelegramGet your hands on additional and extra features, including the 4GB limit for file sharing (keep in mind that the free version stops at 2GB), other double limits and faster downloads.
However, there is a cost to this improvement, which may not be consistent with the value-for-money philosophy for some. Fortunately, there is a way to save the subscription Telegram Premium Bring monthly renewals 3.99 euros Instead of 5.99 euros per month. This will save you up to 24 euros per year without losing access to all the payment features of the instant messaging app.
Telegram Premium Discount: How to Subscribe for € 3.99 per Month
But how to get Discount on Telegram Premium? The procedure is very simple and involves first downloading and installing the app through the official telegram website, can be reached here This address. This is a little “trick”, if you will say so, to bypass the withheld fee Google Guarantee of savings for both purchases made through Google Pay and therefore for the “actors” involved: the final consumer, of course, but the same Telegram.
Therefore, in the case of subscription activation Telegram Premium, You can download the app on the official website without going directly from the Play Store. The site is secure because it is the official telegram platform.
Per Activate Telegram Premium Then just open the Instant messaging app, enter the settings and click on “Telegram Premium”, Taking care to follow all the steps of the screen which will minimize the additional features and benefits of the program.