Twitter has added some new ways Promote space usageWith a new space button between Tweet Composer and Retweet Flow, which more users can see start a relevant discussion in the app.
As you can see in this example, the new space button in Tweet Composer will enable you to start a space broadcast instead of tweeting your thoughts.
“Just tap the space icon at the bottom left to start a new space”
You will also now be able to start a space from the retweet menu, which will bypass the normal setup process and immediately get you live, the tweet will automatically be pinned to the top of the space.
Twitter is exploring a new way for hosts and speakers to share tweets in a space via the retweet menu, which provides another way to add context to your audio chat.
Options provide a more accessible way to audio chat, which can at least get more people to start their own discussions.
Or not. It’s hard to say if they’ll actually catch up – which applies even more spaciously as a function within the app.
I think there were people a long time ago The clubhouse is sounding the invitationAs celebrities broadcast their exclusive audio sessions on the app, every regular champ feeling goes out of the loop.
The social audio boom was short-lived, but powerful, with many investors and technology enthusiasts calling the medium ‘Game changer‘For digital interaction.
Of course, like most ‘game-changing’ features, it didn’t, and as more people gained access, and more apps added similar audio room features, the overall quality of the experience decreased, making it harder to find good audio rooms.
Then people stop listening, and while there are still enthusiastic social audio fans and great broadcasters in clubhouses and Twitter spaces (and Facebook’s Audio Room and Reddit Talk), most have now moved on to the next thing.
Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation. Now, it’s hard to find a ‘big’ space broadcast with lots of listeners and engagement It’s mostly just NFT Acolite and crypto scammers – and for most users, there’s nothing to tune in most of the time.
Or Twitter isn’t great at highlighting relevant broadcasts based on each user’s interest. Either way, it doesn’t look like the Spaces app is going to become a thing, as Twitter itself has indicated in its public statement.
So why add these updates, as they are going to play a big role in making the space more relevant?
Honestly, I’m not sure there are many more strategies to improve Twitter engagement, and given the real-time nature of the discussion in the app, spaces should be tailored, it should be a good complement to trending tweet interactions.
That should work, but Twitter needs more people to broadcast – and maybe, making it a more advanced option in the tweet process, it can still happen, and space can still become a big part of the experience.
But I suspect that Twitter is nearing the end of its roadmap for space integration, and additions like this are Pasha’s last roll to make it happen.
This does not mean that the Twitter option will retire if it does not encourage take-up, but I think that space development may calm down in the near future, before removing the space tab at some point next year.