A news that is incredible, an aspect that few consider. WhatsApp costs a lot, but not just for users. The last recorded sting is devastating and requires some measures
WhatsApp It is the number one messaging platform in the world till date. Every day millions of people use it to exchange messages, audio, video, photos, but also calls, video calls, documents and much more. An increasingly complete ecosystem set up by which Developers at Zuckerberg’s company.
The app’s success doesn’t seem to want to stop, quite the opposite. There are several features ready to arrive on a permanent basis Before the end of the year And which aims to attract more consumers. Of course there’s no shortage of issues, such as service crashes that periodically return. the last #whatsappdown It was recorded just a few days ago, and has far more serious consequences than we can imagine
WhatsApp costs are always high: the situation is limited
As normal users, the only thing that bothers us is when WhatsApp Stops working: We cannot contact our contacts in any way. But there is much more behind it damage which reaches Thousands of euros. TIM’s CEO spoke about it Pietro Labriola On his LinkedIn profile, mentions the last crash recorded on 25 October 2022.
“#Whatsapp downtime was 3 hours worldwide on 25th October. To whom did those who claimed damages turn? To us at TIM, who provide telecommunication services, of course! In just 3 hours, TIM’s call center received 310% more calls than average: 65,000 customers contacted us within 3 hours because they thought we could help them solve their problems and provide them with timely information.” explained, and on and on: “This paradox highlights an important economic aspect: 3 hours of this information costs an operator like TIM about 40,000 euros to the customer. OTTs have no obligation, so they bear no costs and reverse the impact of losses on telecommunication operators”.
This is because telephony operators rely on outsourced companies for operations Customer support service. Every call to 199 can incur a significant cost to the operator. Even more so when there are incidents like WhatsApp’s recent one, which has forced the company to bear the cost Equivalent to around 40,000 euros.