WhatsApp has some options to enable or exploit that can improve the user experience with the instant messaging app. We offer a few
Used by many as a work tool and to keep in touch with acquaintances and friends, WhatsApp It is definitely one app that users cannot miss on their smartphones. However, the widespread use of the platform controlled by Meta does not imply a deep knowledge of its main functions, which in some cases – especially for those users who “chew” less technology – can go to the cavalry.
We certainly don’t want to reveal new stuff, but a roundup of its cool features WhatsApp It can definitely be useful for those readers who want to make the most of the messaging app May be because they have recently changed smartphones or have only used the basic options offered by the application so far
For example, a feature that can be disabled is blue ticks, i.e. read receipt. This way, no one will know whether you have read the messages, but on the other hand you will not know whether your messages have been read by the respective recipients. To disable them, simply enter App Settings, tap Account, then Privacy and turn off the “Read Receipts” switch.
When a message about WhatsApp? If this anxiety attacks you too, here is the answer. Just press and hold the message and then select the “Info” option from the context menu This way, you get full access to the date and time a message is delivered and read.
To avoid that third parties can “extend” their gaze to the screen awakened by a new notification from WhatsApp, it is possible to disable the appropriate switch “Show preview“Located in Settings, in the Notifications section
How to improve privacy on WhatsApp and add a color to a single contact
You want to do your best instead Confidentiality, you can limit the display of some elements like status and profile picture. To do this, simply enter the Settings section, go to Accounts, then select Privacy and adjust the options of interest by choosing from “All”, “My Contacts” and “None”.
to check instead how many messages Exchanged with a person and, above all, how much space the corresponding attachments occupy, just enter the settings, select the Accounts section and, after accessing the “Archive usage” panel, see the details regarding individual chats.
Finally, we release a small trick to customize notifications based on specific groups and contacts, to detect messages without unlocking the screen. Open the chat or interest group and click on the contact’s name at the top to access the information tab, then select the item “Background and sound” and select the tone of interest.