There is an amazing new WhatsApp feature that has already surprised everyone and promises to spark in the next few months. Users are literally speaking for themselves! Here’s how to access the tool
he WhatsApp It is still considered as the number one messaging platform in the world, due to its incredible functionality Team of developers Over the years the goal has always been to provide everyone with a service that is as complete and well-equipped as possible.
I am a confirmation of this Latest update released, With useful tools that are being appreciated worldwide. And more people will come next week, with the idea of ​​expanding the event and getting more people closer to the platform. There is one in particular function Which has been the talk of the town for the past few days, do you know it’s possible Talk to yourself?
Here’s how to talk to yourself on WhatsApp from both Android and iOS
A handy new feature is available WhatsApp which allows users to Ball for you. WABetaInfo experts thought to reveal everything and in the latest beta version, they found very useful tools. Especially those who need to exchange links, data and files quickly and easily. Beta testers are testing everything on the latest developer version for Android and for iOS. Already today it is possible to do this in stable apps, but with somewhat awkward steps.
First you need to create one Group chat With a person you know, give the group a name and then delete the other participant. So that you can be alone in the chat and send everything you need. These additional features will certainly prove very useful.
To activate it immediately, you must first go to the contact list and Select your number. At this point, you will get “Send a message to yourself” As a caption. Tap on it and a private conversation will magically open. For the moment, however, this is only a feature available in beta, and there is no concrete information regarding a possible release time. You may have to wait a few weeks before Global rollout for everyone.