If you usually use Google Maps, know a very simple and effective trick that will help you save hundreds of euros. It’s free and you can apply it in a few simple steps
Over the past few years, Google More decisions aimed at a general expansion of its ecosystem. The services available to consumers are many, and many more are just waiting to be introduced Not forgetting the continuous work done by the team of developers, which aims to provide the latest updates on a constant basis.
Precisely for this reason, there are many features available that often go to some background and are not so much counted by the users. Speaking specifically google maps, There is one that will allow you Save hundreds of euros It is very easy to apply instantly and will guarantee you super savings.
Google Maps, here’s a trick to save a lot of money
There is a simple technique you can apply Google Maps That will save you hundreds of euros. Especially at a delicate time like this, with the summer that will make millions of Italians travel around the world. Often in your own car. self You don’t want to spend too much money. We suggest you apply it immediately. You first need to enter the destination in the search bar and on the screen that immediately pops up, click on Directions.
At this point, you just need to access certain settings and among the many buttons, you will notice one that is used for this To avoid tolls. By doing this, you don’t have to pay the tollbooth on the motorway but you can still get to your destination. Definitely taking more time, but being able to save money to use in other ways.And then a trip for on local roads This will allow you to discover new places, restaurants or farmhouses where you can stop and eat, small hidden churches to explore and more. Another chance for Enrich your trip and make it special, even if you are in a car. There are not many citizens who decide to apply this method, even though in practice it may prove more fruitful than expected. Whether for your wallet or as a personal enrichment experience. Show faith!